CBD Gummies

- 1 cup tart cherry juice
- 1/4 cup gelatin powder
- 2 T honey
- CBD oil
- Pour juice into a small saucepan over medium heat.
- Slowly mix the gelatin powder into the juice.
- Add the honey.
- Turn on low heat and stir as it begins to warm.
- Stir for 2-3 minutes or until mixture is smooth and gelatin has dissolved.
- Remove from heat and add CBD oil.
- Pour into gummy molds.
- Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
- Remove from molds.
- Store in an air tight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
If your’re using a mold with 20 slots, and have droppers for 10 mg of CBD oil, you can do 10 droppers full. This gives 5 mg of CBD per gummy. Adjust according to the number of gummies and dropper size.
Thanks for sharing this brief and precise article on CBD Gummies. This is really cool, easy and straightforward to make. You did well by sending the recipes and also the steps in preparing the CBD Gummies. This is really appreciated. I hope you will post other CBD Gummies. It’s really cool being on your blog. Kudos to you.
Good write. I’m happy to read this lovely post about CBD gummies. I would say it’s an eye opener. I also love the way you highlighted your points. I have been following your blog posts for a long time,because your posts are always educative and I must tell you this is not an exception.How long will it take me to prepare the CBD gummies?
I would give this a trial and make it a surprise for my partner. Best regards
Thanks for writing this recipe on CBD gummies,i must commend you for the job well done for taking your time to explain in details on how to prepare cbd gunmies, I have heard many things about the importance of cbd but never have I hear about cbd gummies.i have not make any funnies before. But definitely I must try this cbd gummies
This is an excellent recipe. I couldn’t wait, and tried it right away, then came back and here I am. I’ve used other gummy recipes before. This one hits the nail on the head perfectly. Not too tough, not too squishy.
Thank you for posting this and I look forward to trying your other recipes as well.
Dang! that was quick…Did you add the CBD?
That’s such a cool idea! I’m quite sure my gummies would not look as fabulous as the real deal (think of the TV show “nailed it”!) but that’s OK because they’ll just be for me. I’ve made gummies before (not CBD) and I have the perfect moulds for these.
Thanks for providing the tips about how to much add for each slot within the mould. I will give this a try for something different 🙂
Lol…check out the other recipes as well!