DIY CBD Bath Salts for relaxation

Here is another really simple DIY CBD recipe. This one is for your whole body. Sit back relax and enjoy a good relaxing soak for your body and mind. You can find Epsom salts, essential oils easily and the CBD…right here.
As you soak, wash with a rag to help exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells. Epsom salts are great for that, due to its rough texture. The CBD will soothe aches and pains and help you to relax.
For the health benefits of CBD click here.


Yet another simple 3 ingredient DIY CBD recipe. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. You can add extras like lavender or mint to give a pleasant/fragrant smell, just like the no fuss, CBD lotion.


  1. Mix the ingredients well in a large bowl

  2. Place in a container

  3. Use when ready for our luxurious soak

You can customize this basic CBD mask by adding other essential oils as stated earlier.

Try it, vary the essential oils and/or strength of the CBD

Stay tuned for more!




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